Thursday, April 7, 2011

2 months old

Earlier this week, Sydney had his 2 month birthday. To celebrate... we went to the doctor for a checkup. Apparently, part of the procedure at the peds office is for a nurse to stick a thermometer in his caboose. I was curious to see his reaction... Lets just say it wasn't what I expected. Upon insertion, Sydney didn't have much reaction at all. I was expecting something; a funny face, a yelp, some crying... but.. nothing. Then about 30 seconds into it, his face turned RED... Eyebrows furrrowed, eyes squinted.. He was going to take matters into his own hands.. A man of action.. Pfffffttt.. Nice try buddy, but that was only gas... After a brief rest, he tried again. More red face, and grunting... Pffffttt..... There it is.. He succeeded in pushing the thermometer out, and blasting the nurse with a brownish, yellowy, watery, seedy mess at the same time!

In hindsight, it makes sense. He didn't like the feel of it, so he figured he'd remedy the situation on his own. Blast it out.. I'm proud of you son!

Oh yeah, and he is doing great. Healthy and growing like crazy. 14 lbs 12.5 oz and 24.5 inches long.

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